The Life Cycle of a Succulent

The Life Cycle of a Succulent
The Life Cycle of a Succulent

From Propagated Leaf to Mature Plant

From little leaf to blossoming babe, the needs of a young succulent change quickly! We’re going to break down what you can do as a plant parent to ensure your propagations are a success, and your newborn succulent bb gets everything they need to grow into a strong adult.

New Leaf:

No matter what form of propagation you choose, calluses are the most important first step! If you don’t let your freshly plucked leaf (or cutting, for that matter) form a callus before introducing water, it will rot.


  • Place on a tray of dry soil.
  • Situate your tray somewhere it will receive partial, indirect sunlight, like in a north-facing window.
  • Give the leaf a spritz of water every other day to encourage root growth.

*Note: If you live somewhere with high humidity, you won’t need to spray or water quite as often.


  • Fill a small cup or dish with water and cover with cling wrap.
  • Cut a small hole and push the leaf halfway through, so the callused end is hovering above the water but not touching it.

Leaf with Roots:

Roots have sprouted! They’ll be small, thin, and white or pink in color. Your succulent is on its way, but not ready to plant quite yet! (Keep growing girl! You got this!)

Leaf with Roots + Rosette:

Yay! You can see your new succulent’s first leaves, that’s pretty exciting, right?! Let that cluster of leaves grow a little more (until the rosette about a half-inch wide) and then you can move onto the next step.

Planting the New Propagation:

Time to plant – everyone’s favorite part! (Ours, too!) Using cactus soil or coconut coir, nestle her new roots into the soil, leaving the new rosette and original leaf sitting on top. Keep the pot in indirect light and water it lightly (only enough to wet the topsoil) about once a week, or enough to keep it moist. Continue this light watering for 5-7 weeks, while the roots grow.

Removing the OG Leaf:

After some time spent in her new pot, the original leaf will eventually shrivel up. Nothing to worry about, just means that one little leaf played her part. Once it gets to this stage, it should easily pop off when gently tugged away from the new rosette. If it doesn’t come off easily, leave it until it does.

Small Succulent:

As your succulent develops a more established root system, (usually about 7 weeks after it’s initially planted) gradually increase the amount of water and sunlight. Young leaves are still very prone to sunburn and overwatering, so any drastic change should be avoided.

Thriving Succulent:

Your succulent babe is ready to live it’s best life! (Yay!) If you’ve been gradually increasing the water and sunlight needs of this babe, it’s probably ready to take on some direct sunlight and a good drench every two weeks or so. This varies depending on the succulent species, so be sure to reference your succulent’s care card for specific needs. Happy growing!

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