Our Succulent Studios plants are born in California and raised wherever you are. Our plant farm is located in Fallbrook, California where our farmer, Ryan, raises all of our baby succs. Our team has a deeply rooted passion (pun totally intended) for growing healthy and happy plants and sharing them with you, no matter where you are!
A few of our team members, Sarah and Jeanette, went over to Fallbrook to chat with Ryan about growing succulents and his passion for plants. Read along to learn more about the plants and our team!
Sarah: Tell us a little about yourself! When did you start with Succulent Studios?
Ryan: Well, I started with SucStu when it was founded. I was one of the founders, I have been doing this for about 20 years and the farm has been in the family for about 40 years. So, this is a long-time family effort.
Sarah: Which succulent do you feel is the easiest to grow?
Ryan: The copper tones. They are Sedums, they are yellow. You see them a lot everywhere. Mostly Sedums are really easy to grow.
Sarah: For growing smaller quantities of succulents, do you prefer water or soil propagation?
Ryan: I would probably go, for smaller and more fun, the water because you can see the roots growing and the effort taking place right in front of your eyes.
Sarah: What is your biggest tip to new succulent parents?
Ryan: Understanding the cycle of water and dryness — the biggest thing I could tell new succulent parents is to look out for the leaves. Always look at the plant and it’ll tell you when it is thirsty.
Sarah: What do you feel is the most common mistake new plant parents make?
Ryan: Paying attention to their baby too much. Making sure it is always taken care of can be overdoing it. These kinds of plants like to be left alone to do their own thing. They like water and to be cleaned sometimes.

Full video interview will be available soon!