You know who really does NOT need another coloring book right now?
Zero people. No one. Absolutely not one soul. We checked. Whether you’re desperately trying to entertain your kiddos or desperately trying to chill the f*ck out, a few pages of coloring is just what the doctor ordered. (She also ordered you to stay inside and follow CDC protocols, and coloring ticks both those boxes, btw.)
When would I realistically color, you might ask. While you binge Netflix, while you sip wine, while you have a Zoom date with your friends… while you cry in the bathroom hiding from your kids, roommates, or partner… whatever! Anything goes! Coloring is for everyone. Coloring is healing. Coloring is joyful.
Download the FREE Succulent Studios Coloring Book PDF here!
Scroll down to save each image to your phone or tablet.
Want to be earth-friendly / don’t have access to a printer? Save it to your phone or tablet and use a stylus! (If you don’t have a stylus, you can make your own.)
Want the real deal? We don’t blame you, these succulents are hella cute. Hit the button below to get $5 off your first box of adorable, California-grown succulents!