Is there anything cuter than a little baby succulent?
Yes… ALL the little baby succulents! As your collection grows you may want to move your succulent family into a larger planter so they can all be together. Plus, if you’re as succulent obsessed as we are, you’ve probably spent hours gawking over all the beautiful arrangements on Pinterest and dreamed of making your own. Not only are they gorgeous, but they can help you save some space on that windowsill that’s been filling up. But before you throw all your succulents in a pot together, there’s a few things to keep in mind…
The Pot
As always, a pot with drainage holes will set you up for success. Succulents are very prone to root rot, and a well draining soil and pot that allows excess water to flow out will help you to avoid that catastrophe. As far as size goes, a wide, shallow pot is a great option, as succulents tend not to root too deeply. Plus, you won’t end up wasting a bunch of cactus soil at the bottom of a deep pot! Something 3-6” deep is perfect. Local nurseries and Amazon have a lot of great options for these kinds of pots.
Light Preferences
An easy rule for lighting is at least 6 hours of bright, indirect sunlight a day, but the fact of the matter is that certain types of succulents thrive in more or less intense sunlight. You’ll want to pot succulents with the same lighting preferences together to avoid sunburn, wilting, or stunted growth. Take these three succulents: From left to right you’ve got a Roger, Coppertone Stonecrop, and Firecracker. All of these succulents thrive in bright, intense sunlight and they adopt different colors or red tips when exposed to that type of light. Using your succulent Care Cards, try to select succulents that prefer the same amount of light.
Watering Frequency
Another thing to consider is the water needs for your babies. Watering frequency doesn’t just range from plant to plant, but also from season to season. Determine which plants will be going dormant in the same season, and plant those together. All three of these succulents, for instance, enjoy a more sparse watering schedule, erring on the side of under-watering. From left to right they are Tiger Tooth Aloe, Star Cactus, and Zebra Wart.
Pro tip: Look at the thickness of the leaves. Plants with thinner leaves often need to be watered more frequently than those with thick, harder leaves.
For more info on water check out our complete guide here.
Soil and Spacing
We recommend an organic cactus soil whenever you’re potting your succulents. Start the planting process by adding a layer (at least 2″ deep) to the bottom of the pot. As you’re deciding where to place your succulents within the pot, consider leaving about 2” between each plant to give ‘em plenty of room to grow. Or, if you want more of a crowded look right away, plant them really close together (they’ll still grow, just not quite as much). Once you’ve decided on the placement, fill in cactus soil all around the plants, helping them to stand on their own.
*The plants in this arrangement are a Firecracker, Coppertone Stonecrop, Roger, Dedos, Gorge Sedum, Ghost Plant, and Baby Donkey’s Tail.
Finishing Touches
If you have left some spacing between the plants, your planter might look a little empty. You can fill that space with pebbles, sand, knick-knacks… whatever suits your taste and allows water to flow around it.
And there you have it! Now you’ve got all the tools you need to create a picture-perfect succulent arrangement.
You’ll need some more succulents to create your dream arrangement! That’s where we come in. Enjoy $5 off your first Succulent Studios box.