From the posh interiors on your Instagram feed to the sunny windowsills of your local coffee shop, succulents are taking their foothold in all the trendiest places. But to us and many others, succulents serve a far more powerful purpose than just eye candy; their proven health benefits remind us that these low-maintenance plants belong as a permanent fixture in our lives.
Let’s throw it back to elementary-level science for a hot second. Stick with us. Plants do this cool thing called *~photosynthesis~* whereby they absorb carbon dioxide emitted from the sun and convert it to oxygen, which humans need for things like staying alive. Yay, plants! The real MVPs! At night, most plants reverse that process and release carbon dioxide. BUT! Along with a few other plants, succulents have the unique ability to continue the process of releasing oxygen at night, making them uniquely beneficial in the home, especially bedrooms.
Beyond oxygenating our homes, one study completed by NASA proved that plants can reduce over 87% of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in our home. These toxins come from typical household staples like vinyl rugs and grocery bags. Plants take the VOCs from the air and turn them into food for themselves. Win-win!
Combat workplace sickness with plants this winter season! A recent study found that absence due to sickness went down 60 percent when there were plants in the workplace.

While plants improve the physical health of employees, researchers found that plants in the workplace reduce tension and anxiety by 37 percent. It’s no wonder why many CEOs and managers are filling office spaces with greenery like this enormous plant wall at 72andSunny.
In recent years, hospitals have been upping their garden game by creating outdoor courtyards for patients. A study in one hospital showed that even just looking at a picturesque scene of a stream or other outdoor environment resulted in reduced anxiety and speed healing from ailments and surgery.

Studies also show that each age group has a unique use for these kinds of gardens. For children, the courtyard area acts as a distraction of sorts. Kids can engage with nature rather than having to worry about their illness or one of a family member’s. Most adults use the garden areas for peace and relaxation — a place to hide away from stressors they face in the hospital. And, perhaps most notably, seniors find this environment perfect for mental stimulation and engagement, much like children.
Bringing the freshness of the outdoors inside the classroom has proven to boost student’s learning outcomes by 10 to 15 percent and increased memory by 20 percent.

In addition to a 70% increase in attentiveness, the study showed that students showed up to class more often and attendance rates increased for classrooms with plants.
Want to add a pop of color, a boost of oxygen, focus, and tranquility to your life? Subscribe to receive two succulents a month from our drought-tolerant nursery in Fallbrook, California!