Are Succulents Pet Friendly?

Are Succulents Pet Friendly?
Are Succulents Pet Friendly?

Pets + Plants! Name a better duo… we’ll wait. 🕐 🕑 🕒  

Plant and fur parents have something in common, we love our babies! Whether you already have a jumbo succ fam or are looking to begin your collection, we recommend taking a moment to read about succulents and pets. Let’s create a safe space for all bbs to grow healthy and happy! 

Good News! Most succulents are totally harmless to animals! However, there are some varieties that are mildly toxic to animals and can cause your fur baby some trouble. As a pet owner, it is important to take note of the succulents you have and whether or not they are safe for animals. 

The Scoop on Pets + Succs

Do not let your fear of toxic succs keep you from having a windowsill full of cute bbs! The smell and appearance of succulents are not appetizing to animals. Fur babies have a natural instinct to stay away from succs. Take a city like Los Angeles, wild Jade grows rampant and the city has over 2.6 million animals! Jade is slightly toxic to animals, but it is extremely rare to ever see a furry pal snacking on the succ. 

Just because a plant can be toxic does not mean that you cannot have it in your home! To ensure pets do not ingest succs, try keeping the toxic ones out of reach. Place them in a window, on a bookshelf, or a window shelf. If you notice your pet still trying to get at the succs, you may want to try and train them to stay away or put the plants in a room that your pet cannot access. 

There are other tactics to keep pets away from your succs, try fulfilling your cat’s need to torture plants with a patch of pet grass! 

Common Non-Toxic Succulents

Looking for completely pet friendly succulent options? Here are a few of our favs! 

1. Echeveria

2. Hardy Sedum

3. Haworthia

4. Sempervivum (Hens & Chicks)

5. Tender Sedum

Common Toxic Succulents

Note that research on potentially toxic succulent species is ongoing and always changing. 

1. Aloe Vera

Symptoms: Mouth irritation, stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea

2. Euphorbia

Symptoms: Mouth irritation, stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea

3. Jade (Crassula) 

Symptoms: Lethargy, clumsy movements, dry-heaving, vomiting

4. Kalanchoe

Symptoms: Oral irritation, drooling, vomiting, diarrhea

5. String of Pearls (Senecio)

Symptoms: Listlessness, vomiting, diarrhea

If you have toxic succulents and your pet falls ill, do not hesitate to call your vet! Act quickly for your pet’s wellbeing. 

These plant lists highlight common non-toxic and toxic plants, but even these lists have a few expectations. If you’ve got an extra curious creature at home we always recommend cross referencing the ASPCA’s Toxic and Non-Toxic Plant List.

Wondering if your SucStu bbs are toxic to pets? Check the care card that comes in the box with your succs. We always note on the care card if a plant is toxic to animals. No worries if you do not have your care cards, we’ve got an archive of all our plants here.

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