Watering is the one thing that can make or break your experience as a succulent parent. Get it right, and your succulents will be the easiest plants you’ve ever taken care of. Get it wrong, and you’ll be kicking yourself, unsure of what you did to make these plant bbs hate you so much. When you’re dealing with one of the rarest succulents around (hello, Dolphins!) we want to make sure you get it right. Check out what you need to know so your String of Dolphins doesn’t end up a fish out of water!
The Drench + Dry Method
When the time comes to water your succulents, we’ve found that this method is the best way to promote healthy, strong root growth. First, make sure the soil is completely dry before watering. Then, drench the soil until you see water dripping out your pot’s drainage hole. After that, let it dry. Wait until the soil is completely dry again, and repeat!
When to Water
How often you drench your plant will depend on climate, sun exposure, and time of the season.
- A good rule of thumb is to test your soil! You can do so by sticking your finger down into the soil. If the soil is dry give it a good soak, otherwise water whenever it feels completely dry.
- Summer watering: Generally speaking, if your plant is out in the sun or is outdoors in the warmer months, you will want to water that succa about every 10 days.
- Winter watering: If your plant is inside during the winter season or you live in a colder climate, best watering practices is to water once every 3-4 weeks.
Watch For The Signs:
The String of Dolphins will give you some signs that she’s under-watered. A healthy String of Dolphins will have plump, firm, green leaves. As it becomes under-watered watch for these signs:
- The little dolphins (leaves) will turn more of a blue color.
- The leaves will start to develop a crease along what would be the back of the dolphin.
- If the leaves look dull, deflated, or dry they need more water.
- A tell-tale sign she is being over-watered is the yellowing and squishy texture of leaves.
As always, check the soil before watering, but use these signs as a reminder.

Now you’re ready to dive into String of Dolphin parenthood! Remember, these babes don’t do well with too much heat or direct sun, so place them somewhere they can get nice bright, indirect light for about 8 hours a day and keep them away from your heater this winter!